I've been developing a web site with the help of Meghan at the Apple store in the Smith Haven Mall, and it was launched last week; the domain name is kathleenaryan.com. Meghan has helped me tremendously and I appreciate all of her efforts. I realized I should start my own blog and have a link on the web site to the new blog. I will certainly continue blogging with Women of Mystery.
Claire E. White wrote a comprehensive post on The Internet Writing Journal about authors who blog: The Author's Dilemma: To Blog or Not to Blog. An internet presence, whether it's blogging, social networking, or a web site, is something every author has to evaluate and decide upon.
As I get my feet wet in the blogging pool as a solo, it will be a work-in-progress until I start jumping off the diving board. But it's nice to be in the water!
Well, we're delighted that you're not leaving us, but I'm always pleased to see pals spread their wings, no matter where the flight takes them!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Clare! I am thrilled to be with Women of Mystery! I will be experimenting here...now I need to figure out how to fix the time, I see it's off...Thanks for stopping by, dear friend!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Kathleen, on your blog! I'm very excited for you : ). I look forward to learning from your blog. In fact, it's my featured writer's blog on my own blog this week : ).
ReplyDeleteHi Margot!
ReplyDeleteI'm so honored that you've chosen my blog to feature on your terrific Confessions of a Mystery Novelist blog ~ what a way to debut! Thank you so very much!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you continue leading the way to writing success, sharing your indomitable enthusiasm, and discovering solutions to knotty problems.
Your blossoming in the area of fiction while finishing your true crime manuscript shows your incredible range of talent.
Only one thing left to say: HUZZAH!!!
Looking good. Suppose I should be good on my promise to write to a prompt. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Nan!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting and writing such lovely comments. You are such a supportive friend and blog-mate. I'm stretching my writers legs, that's for sure!
Thanks, Meghan, for helping me set up the web site and the blog ~ I appreciate your help! Keep up your writing!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to your personal Blogashpere(sp) space! Looking forward to your posts.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Madeline, for stopping by! I'm looking forward to this venture.I appreciate your support.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be in Vegas before we know it! Time's flying!
Congrats, Kathleen. I, too, look forward to your posts. Thanks for this.
ReplyDeleteThanks, le0pard13, so glad you could stop by!
ReplyDeleteHi, Kathleen, this is a sharp looking blog. I look forward to reading more.
Thanks for stopping by, Marilyn! I just got my internet service back, I lost it on Thursday morning, along with my phone and TV service, too. A squirrel ate through our wire on a pole in the backyard! Three days has felt like an eternity to be away from the internet!
ReplyDeleteHope all is well with you....can't believe the conference is almost a month away!
Thanks for your kind words!