According to Newsday, four fire departments responded to handle the fire. The Suffolk County Arson Squad is investigating the cause of the fire.
On this special "Thank-a-Cop-Thursday" (known as #tacop on Twitter), a huge Thanksgiving thanks goes out to Officers Jonathan Allen and Kelly Hendrickson of the Third Precinct for the awesome job they do everyday, and for saving the lives of two Long Island residents.

A special thanks to Mike Ellis (@EmergCommNetwrk) and Lauri Stevens (@lawscomm) for their efforts in the creation of Thank-a-Cop-Thurdsay.
(image source for Thanksgiving clip art: www.theholidayspot.com and for flame photo here.)
They do deserve a say Thanksgiving 'thank you' as two can celebrate Thanksgiving thanks to them.
ReplyDeleteHope you and your family are having a great Thanksgiving.
Thoughts in Progress
Excellent point, Mason! Rescues are always wonderful, but near the holiday season, it's even more special.
ReplyDeleteWe are really enjoying our holiday, thanks! Hope you & yours are, too:-)