Car crashes are the leading cause of death for children, ages 3-14, in the U.S. Statistics show that nearly 80 percent were unrestrained or were in adult seat belts.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) will hold a forum today and is open to all, and is free to attend ~ no registration required. The forum, "Child Passenger Safety in the Air and Automobile" will take place at NTSB's Board Room and Conference Center, 439 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Washington D.C. (On Twitter, follow #NTSB today).
The event will be webcast live.
One of my former partners in the police department is a certified technician who assists motoring parents to ensure the safety seat for their infant or child is positioned properly.

For today's #TACOP (Thank-a-Cop-Thursday), I'd like to thank him and all certified technicians ~ law enforcement officers, health officials, and other concerned parties ~ who spend their time making sure our future citizens are prevented from becoming one of those five unfortunate losses on the roadways.
Here are ten tips to keep a child safe while riding in a vehicle. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also offers information on keeping children safe in vehicles. Don't forget to register your car seat so you can be notified in the event of a recall.
On Twitter: @NHTSAgov, @childseatsafety @NTSB
On Facebook: Child Seat Safety NHTSA
For those on Twitter, don't forget to #TACOP!
Kathleen - Thank you for this important reminder! So much of child safety in cars is a matter of a little time spent in purchasing a safe seat, installing it correctly and using it correctly - every time. It's easy to get distracted, but parents shouldn't let their busy, distracted lives get in the way of their children's safety.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing I think is important is that children should learn early that car safety is absolutely not negotiable. There are some rules that can be flexible and negotiated as needed. But car safety should not be in that category.
Hi Margot ~ this will be a very timely issue for you as a future grandmother! Many grandparents take advantage of these car seat checks.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree on the point you've made ~ car safety is paramount when kids are in a vehicle, and the rules in the car are non-negotiable.
Thanks for your sage advice!